Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Organizing Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Organizing Process - Essay ExampleThe first step involves reviewing objectives and plans. Objectives are activities that mustiness be completed in order for the organization to achieve its goals. In this step, the organization shapes the activities needed for the act of organizational goals. Managers need to examine plans and identify the need for change as new goals are formulated. The flake step is the determination of work activities that are necessary for the accomplishment of the objectives. This step requires managers to list and analyze any the tasks that are central to the achievement of organizational goals. The third step is the classification and grouping of the work activities into doable units. Managers group activities based on the four models of departmentalization that is geographical, functional, customer and product. The fourth step is the placement of activities and delegation of authority. Managers assign defined work activities to people within the organ ization. The assigned individuals are empowered to carry out their duties in accordance with the mission and vision of the organization. The last step is the design of a hierarchy of relationships. Managers begin by determining the horizontal and vertical relationships that exist in the organization. Managers develop an organizational chart, which shows the relationships. The concept of authority presupposes peculiar(prenominal) types of power. The mark of authority is in the index of recognition that usually accompanies authority that makes power legitimate.

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