Thursday, April 25, 2019

Exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems Essay

Exercise evoke reduce the risk of various health problems - Essay ExampleAccording to CDC (2015), prevalence of obesity among big citizens of USA is more than than 34.9%, which represents more than 78.6 million victims.High source pressure (hypertension) develops due to imbalanced meanspirited Metabolic Index (BMI) that exerts pressure on the heart and blood vessels. The imbalanced BMI exerts pressures and subsequently narrow the blood vessels that force the heart to generate excessive pressures to pump blood all over the body. CDC reports that the disease affects more than 67 million adults, which translates to over 31% of the Ameri croup adult population (CDC, 2014).Chronic Kidney Disease compromises the aptitude of the kidney to perform its functions effectively. Diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure and overweight among other lifestyle diseases can have got CKD. Currently, the prevalence of CKD among American adults stands at 13.2% but projected to increase to 16.7 % by 2030 (National Kidney Foundation, 2015).The three diseases have same and related causes, so, physical activities prescribed to treat can to a fault work to treat all. For adult patients unworthy the diseases, a nurse can prescribe resistance, flexibility and endurance exercise (Rippe, 2013). Endurance exercise can last to about 60 minutes daily and intensity vary from 5-6 to 7-8 on a case of 0-10. The exercise involves any activity that does not impose excessive orthopedic stress like walking, aquatic exercise ad stationary cycle exercise. Resistance activity can at a oftenness of not less than 2 age per week. Intensity measured on a scale of 0-10 can vary from 5-6 and 7-8. For flexibility exercise, a nurse can recommend a frequency of at least 2 days per week at an intensity of 5-6 on a scale of 0-10. The exercise involves any activity relating to stretches of major(ip) muscles (Rippe, 2013). A nurse can ensure cooperation of patients to the prescriptions by requesting fo r support of friends and families of the patients. A nurse can also agree with patients

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