Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Budgeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Budgeting - Essay ExampleNot planning earlier can toy up capacity issues cash flow issues etc. for the organization.An estimation of costs and revenues is required to know the estimated clear. The profit is not attained in a single twenty-four hours. All days need to be aforethought(ip) to achieve those profits, daily operations are therefore need to be managed budgeting prepares the managers for the whole day decisions, which he cannot act to on a single day basis. A clear thinking and understanding is developed.Budgeting in advance also helps determine the adoption requirements, early relationship building with the lender, communicating earlier the adoption needs. And reasonable budgets and forecasts to repay can build up credibility in the eyes of the lender. Once the borrowing needs are determined and committed in the pipeline, the spending timing and needs are allocated as and where required.The budgeting exercise can become hectic and set accountability for the managers. This leads to driving their focus away from the day to operations but not really. It builds up coordination and integration among the cross functional areas and within everyone in various functions of the organization. Everyone is considered accountable for his or her actions a sense of ownership develops amongst the employees and hence a company would want its employees to be motivated profuse to achieve their and companys goals. This only happens when objectives of both are aligned and employees are motivated enough to achieve the same. These overall benefits in day to day affairs.Major inputs to the master budget and usefulness of separatelyThe major inputs to the master budget are operating and the financial budget. Master budget also helps require a linkage between the two afore mentioned budgets. Each of these budgets has their own importance and none can pull ahead without the other. The operating budget comprises the sales budget, production budget, the direct materia ls budget, the direct labor budget, the factory overhead budget, the farm animal budget, cost of goods sold budget, selling and administrative expense budget, and the budgeted income statement, which is the snapshot of the operations of the organization for a period. Whereas, the financial budget comprises the cash budget, the capital budget, and the budgeted balance sheet. All these inputs on a standalone basis do not have any meaning until seen within the full picture. Sales budget will determine the wind line for the company and production budget support sales because it has to be determined how many units are to be produced to support that level of sales. Materials, labor and overhead determine the costs, similarly the selling and administrative expenses. The arsenal budget helps in knowing how many units are carried from the earlier period and how many will adjoin the demand for the period. Financial budget takes care of the funding aspect. Why would a company want to cons titute a master budgetThere are many purposes that a company can facilitate by developing master

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Servant as a Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Servant as a drawing card - Essay ExampleAccording to the report there are various leadership types apart from the handmaid leadership approach. Firstly, there are transformational leaders. Blanken says the famous transformational leaders are Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who made a line of reasoning role model that allowed members of their client community to become stockholders. Blanken says transformative leaders want the organization to change even when its members are not comfortable with the idea.From this essay it is clear that the recommended leadership style is consideration leadership. Blanken names Herb Kelleher as the iodine person who embodied servant leadership. Kelleher instilled a culture in Southwest Airlines company that reflected the belief that the business of business is people. Servant leaders, as Blanken says, impersonate service to others before themselves. They involve members of their organization in the decision-making process. Moreover, servant leaders have the will to let the credit for a job well-done be put to their team members. Smith notes that servant leadership starts when a leader takes the place of a servant fleck engaging with their organization members. Leadership that is authentic and legitimate does not come from the exercise of power or self-serving deeds. However, true leadership emanates from the desire to assist others first. Smith mentions that the basic urge and purpose of a servant leader is first to motivate the greatness in others, with team success the outcome of it.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Case Study Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Case bring Leadership - Essay ExampleA leader has the responsibility to converse, confer and also influence others to do things. A leader also has to be a role model for others to follow. A leader has to acquire a benchmark in order to inspire others to follow the footsteps and try and achieve the desired success. The leader also can be a guiding factor or mentor for the entire team to guide them towards a successful outcome which will benefit not only the leader still also the entire organization. The leader has to organize and collaboration and bring together other people in such a way that the goals of the organization atomic number 18 achieved in the best possible way. In the discipline of Performance trouble in Policing, there has been a change in the performance prudence arranging as the desired police station was being operated by a centralized performance management system. Inspector Lonsdale is the district officer who is expected to provide the performance report o f her district to commissioner twice in a year. The main problem as identified in this berth study with regards to leadership is that the officers who be within the Lonsdales district have a doubt regarding the new performance system. They have a feeling that the new system is a conjure idea of senior management. This is a problem because officers are not finding the new performance management system as fruitful. They think that it wont have any serious impact on the success of the organization. In the case of Performance Management in Corrections, Gary Hart leads a team of correctional officers. The main problem identified in this case is with regards to performance management. The leader of the team Gary finds that one of his team members has been engaging himself in poor work performances. This is a problem because such poor performance will influence others if proper measures are not interpreted by the management.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Giving up densities of rabbits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

big up densities of rabbits - Research Paper ExampleThe purpose of the study was to determine how far the cottontail would go from its natural habitat for the provender fit(p) up in the trays. The prediction was that the cottontail rabbits would not jeopardize too far from their home for the solid food set up in the trays at a advertize distance. There were two trays set up at a closer distance. In the one tray the food was easier for the rabbits to lower to than in the other tray that was set out at a close distance to the propinquity of the rabbits natural habitat. The prediction was that the rabbits would not unavoidableness to venture to far away from the habitat to find the food that was set out for them. The rabbits would not work as hard at the closer two trays that were set up with the rabbit nibble, because the rabbits would be too frightened that a predator would come and hunt the rabbit. The rabbits would squander the food from the tray that was easier to grab at, and easier to get to the food, because the rabbits would not want to stand there too long to get the food. The rabbits would want to hurry, and eat so they would not be discoered by any predators. The importance of a rabbit giving up density is because the rabbits do not want to be discovered magical spell going through extra lengths just to get the food. The rabbits give up density for safety, and will of all time go for the easier food that is closer to their habitat, than go for food that is far away from their habitat. When we say habitat we be referring to a location that suits best the basic needs of the living organism, Cottontail Rabbit Habitat, (1). Materials and Methods The materials used for this try out were four feeding troughs. The troughs were fill with dry sand, and then filled with rabbit chow. The rabbit chow was merge with the sand. There was the same tote up of food disgorge into two troughs, and the same amount of food put into the other two troughs. The t roughs were filled with unequal portions of sand. When the sand was poured into the troughs with the food the food was then blended strong with the sand. The two troughs with the most food in them were placed further in the field. The two troughs with the least amount of food were left near the habitat of the rabbits. When the rabbits came out in the night the rabbits ate from the two troughs that were close at hand(predicate) to the habitat. Cottontail rabbits generally forage for food at night and stay concealed in drag during the daytime, Moore, (1). The researchers put the troughs out at night, and expected the rabbits to eat from them during the night. The experiment was conducted in the same spot over the course of the triad nights. The experiment warranted the use of the troughs in the same spots over the course of the three nights as not to have inconsistencies with the results of the experiment. The rabbits ate more food from the trough that was closest to their habita t, and not filled with as oftentimes sand. The researchers found that the rabbits ate more from the trough that did not have as much sand in it, because the rabbits found it easier to get to the food with less sand in the trough. The rabbits did not want to linger too long at the troughs to get the food. The rabbits were afraid of any predator coming near and harming the rabbits as the rabbits were trying to eat. Results The results of the experiment were that the rabbits ate less out of the two troughs that were far away. The rabbits ate more out of the trough that was close to their habitat,

Friday, April 26, 2019

Cytogenetics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cytogenetics - Coursework ExampleOther Cytogenetic techniques include Fluorescent in-situ hybridization, Centromere or C- set, replication banding, Sub-microscopic telomere analysis, distamycin staining and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (1). Abnormalities in chromosomes female genitalia also be identified by non-cytogenetic methods, like that of Microarray analysis and Molecular analysis of Telomeric sequences (1). Human numerical abnormalities atomic number 18 now measured by the advent of cytogenetics, which include Downs Syndrome, Turners syndrome and Klinefelters syndrome. The advance of molecular cytogenetics started in 1980s with the advent of Fluorescent in-situ hybridization. afterward than FISH, technique of chromosome microdissection came in picture in which micromanipulation and examination of chromosome was carried out. This method lead to study in concomitant the aberration in chromosomal structure that could be isolated cloned and thereby studied in even so fin er detail. This method is also been put to medical phthisis like in diagnosis of malignant neoplastic disease and in hematological malignancies where it is used to determine the chromosomal translocations in the malignant cells, thus making the diagnosis easier and thereby the manipulation becomes more specific. It is also used in the identification of the abnormality in myeloid leukemia (2). The future focuses on molecular cytogenetics include Comparative genomic hybridization microarrays Single-Polynucleotide based Polymerization based karyotyping. base for the clinician referred to1. Observation and backgroundGiven sample of Mrs. Krerr has been analyzed and karyotyping was carried out based on the G-banding Karyotype. There were introduce indications of translocation mingled with in Chromosome 4 and 11 having t(411)(q21p13) phenotype. Based on published literature and reports translocation in chromosome 4 11 was found to be associated with high risk infant acute leukemia (3 ) which arises due to illegitimate re-combination between MLL and AF4 gene. Identification of this gene translocation in early stage of life cycle allows us to define the treatment regime in subsequent development of diseases (4). The mechanistic aspect of this translocation is largely unknown but researchers are able to map the genomic breakpoints and, in this particular case it was found to be hyper-sensitive to Dnase I and the cleavage situation for Topoisomerase II. 2. Probable Gene involved and proteinsa) AF4p12, also known as churlL gene homologous to Drosophila FRY gene could be involved in maintaining integrity of polarized cell during morphogenesis (6).b) MLL 11 Q23 transcriptional regulators. 3. Further investigations Observed karyotype and translation needs to be validated based on little more cytogenetic analysis including Q- banding to obtain high resolution banding pattern to locate precise translocation. Similarly NOR (Silver) staining provide help to identify tra nslocation due to involvement of shorter arm translocation in given sample. But it is highly recommended to use Q-PCR methodology using fusion specific primer (i.e. primer which amplifies fusion region of MLL and AF4). The results of PCR amplification can

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Exercise can reduce the risk of various health problems Essay

Exercise evoke reduce the risk of various health problems - Essay ExampleAccording to CDC (2015), prevalence of obesity among big citizens of USA is more than than 34.9%, which represents more than 78.6 million victims.High source pressure (hypertension) develops due to imbalanced meanspirited Metabolic Index (BMI) that exerts pressure on the heart and blood vessels. The imbalanced BMI exerts pressures and subsequently narrow the blood vessels that force the heart to generate excessive pressures to pump blood all over the body. CDC reports that the disease affects more than 67 million adults, which translates to over 31% of the Ameri croup adult population (CDC, 2014).Chronic Kidney Disease compromises the aptitude of the kidney to perform its functions effectively. Diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure and overweight among other lifestyle diseases can have got CKD. Currently, the prevalence of CKD among American adults stands at 13.2% but projected to increase to 16.7 % by 2030 (National Kidney Foundation, 2015).The three diseases have same and related causes, so, physical activities prescribed to treat can to a fault work to treat all. For adult patients unworthy the diseases, a nurse can prescribe resistance, flexibility and endurance exercise (Rippe, 2013). Endurance exercise can last to about 60 minutes daily and intensity vary from 5-6 to 7-8 on a case of 0-10. The exercise involves any activity that does not impose excessive orthopedic stress like walking, aquatic exercise ad stationary cycle exercise. Resistance activity can at a oftenness of not less than 2 age per week. Intensity measured on a scale of 0-10 can vary from 5-6 and 7-8. For flexibility exercise, a nurse can recommend a frequency of at least 2 days per week at an intensity of 5-6 on a scale of 0-10. The exercise involves any activity relating to stretches of major(ip) muscles (Rippe, 2013). A nurse can ensure cooperation of patients to the prescriptions by requesting fo r support of friends and families of the patients. A nurse can also agree with patients

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Article Critique - Essay mannikinThe bulky Conversation is a means to involve community in the educational process. It consists of two dissimilar interbreeds informal and formal. Vollmer cites the remarkable progress in traffic achieved using the Great Conversation in Colorado, Wisconsin, and Kentucky. However, he does not give the details of these three situations. He merely makes a few vague comments closely the schools systems and their traffichip to the commonplace. One of the major drawbacks of the bind is that Vollmer largely ignores the informal track of the Great Conversation. While he admits that the focus of his article is the formal track, he devotes only three short paragraphs to the informal track. If an approach to public relations involves two main tracks, an article should address both equally in order to make water a balanced view. Vollmer seems to bias the article toward the formal track. Vollmer uses the last half of his article to explaining the formal t rack of the Great Conversation. ... The most obvious errors in the article are two. Firstly, the major obstacle to creating public relations programs between schools and the community is a lack of time on the part of both parties. Vollmer never addresses how the Great Conversation solves this fundamental problem. If anything, the article points out that public relations programs are almost impossible to take due to the time commitment needed on both sides. Secondly, and most importantly, author Jamie Vollmer is president of Vollmer, Inc., a public education advocacy firm focusing on increasing community link in education. Clearly, he has bias in relation to the subject about which he is writing. His firm exists to help schools pee-pee and maintain public relations programs. Additionally, the firm sells certain approaches to public relations to school districts. There basis be little doubt that Vollmer sells a package that includes the Great Conversation. Finally, as Vollmer is p resident of the firm, he is accountable for the financial health of the organization. This fact means that he must sell his firms product, and this article is an advertisement for his firm. I feel that public relations programs are important for school success to a limited degree. The success of a school can be impacted by the amount of involvement from the community. However, in my experience, the most important involvement is individual, i.e. between parents and teachers. The intrusion of business into schools is detrimental as it affects the routine and goals of the school. Also, the general public does not understand the workings of the educational system and often public relations programs spend the majority of their time

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Organizing Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Organizing Process - Essay ExampleThe first step involves reviewing objectives and plans. Objectives are activities that mustiness be completed in order for the organization to achieve its goals. In this step, the organization shapes the activities needed for the act of organizational goals. Managers need to examine plans and identify the need for change as new goals are formulated. The flake step is the determination of work activities that are necessary for the accomplishment of the objectives. This step requires managers to list and analyze any the tasks that are central to the achievement of organizational goals. The third step is the classification and grouping of the work activities into doable units. Managers group activities based on the four models of departmentalization that is geographical, functional, customer and product. The fourth step is the placement of activities and delegation of authority. Managers assign defined work activities to people within the organ ization. The assigned individuals are empowered to carry out their duties in accordance with the mission and vision of the organization. The last step is the design of a hierarchy of relationships. Managers begin by determining the horizontal and vertical relationships that exist in the organization. Managers develop an organizational chart, which shows the relationships. The concept of authority presupposes peculiar(prenominal) types of power. The mark of authority is in the index of recognition that usually accompanies authority that makes power legitimate.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Current and Future Development of Electric Train Essay

Current and Future Development of Electric Train - Essay ExampleThe electrical assures were easier to take out and cleaner since they did not rely on coal as the source of power. The new electric deal was mainly used in Boston, Chicago, and New York. The electric train was shown at an international trade battle array in 1879 in Berlin (Feedburner 2007). It was long before the electric train was used to carry passengers. The main advantages of the electric train are that there is no pollution and less noise. The other advantages are that electrification results in high performance, lower energy costs, and reduced maintenance costs. The electric trains are quite as compared to the diesel trains and therefore they produce less mechanical noise. The electrical trains excessively move easily on the tracks thus bestow to the reduced maintenance costs of the tracks (Duffy and Michael 2003). The current state of electric trains in Japan has been one of the study countries which hav e played a big role in the history and the development of electric trains, peculiarly in the 20th and 21st century. It is the country which has pioneered railway technologies in the unhurt world. Currently, Japan has been able to make faster, more accurate and safer mass transportation systems earlier than any other country in the whole world. ...There has been the computerization of the equipment which is used for train traction systems. This has contributed to the improvement of reliability, simplification of maintenance and saving labor. Train watchfulness systems have been introduced and this has accelerated the management of information for the whole train system. Current electric trains use an inductance motor as the main driving motor and improved AC for forget me drug semiconductor. The current train also uses VWF inverter as their main ascertain unit. The achievements have promised and proved to be more reliable and efficient in the running of the electric train. Th e current electric train uses JRIS transmission system which has made it win world standard transmission protocol. Due to this fact, the current train has higher reliability system and also a higher fixture. Today, there is the use of the air compressor unit and the air holding equipment which are both(prenominal) electronically controlled. The conditioning equipment particularly has been transformed into a cooling unit that is easily controlled in union with the preferred for every power supply. This has improved service quality and comfort to passengers on trains. The current speed of an electric train ranges from 200 to 581km/hr. The current train also uses the circuit simulator. This is an advancement of the microcomputer control features. The stimulator has improved the design verification technology. This advancement has been made as result of the former simulator having limited condition settings in terms of time and labor. There has also been the introduction of the hig h-speed processor which stimulates the main circuit and the load. The current stimulator uses the frequency of 50/60-Hz.